We discover new concepts and create amazing projects with you


Radical Marketing

As you can see, by definition Radical stands for bringing a change in an already existing system. And that’s what Pinaka is trying to achieve. 

Changing the world of marketing with our rigorous and dedicated efforts.

What We Offer

0 M+
Impressions generated
0 K+
leads generated
0 +
Happy Clients
0 +
Countries Serviced

03Our Process

But you might be wondering what our process is like, right?

Here’s how we like to categorically describe it.


Understanding the client’s needs, goals & expectation in detail


Doing a thorough research and devising a strategy keeping in-line with client’s needs, goals & expectations


Spotless execution with frugality but quality, with constant churns of ideas & optimization


Reporting, revising & identifying challenges as well as opportunities

04A process such as this allows us Radical heads at Pinaka to believe in the vision we set out to achieve.

To believe that we can deliver the change this industry needs.

To believe in far-reaching solutions that nurture client-agency relationships.

To believe in Radical Marketing

06Our Clients

07If you wish to experience Radical Marketing for your business, let’s connect.

08Contact Us

Want to experience Radical Marketing?